How to install course tools

Needed Tools

List of tools:

  • Slack

  • Zoom

  • VS Code

  • Chrome

  • GIT

  • Node

  • PostgreSQL

  • Dbeaver

Install software in Ubuntu

You can use the Ubuntu Software Center to search and install new software packages in the computer, it is like the Play Store used in Android mobiles. You will find this icon in the left bar:


Ubuntu: Go to the Ubuntu Software Center, search and install it.

Others: Go to the Slack Website and follow the instructions.

Visual Studio Code

Ubuntu: Go to the Ubuntu Software Center, search and install it.

Others: Go to the Visual Studio Code Website and follow the instructions.


Ubuntu: Go to the Ubuntu Software Center, search and install it.

Go to the NodeJS Website and follow the instructions.

To check installation open a Terminal and execute:

node -v


Ubuntu: Go to the Ubuntu Software Center, search and install it.

Others: Go to the Git Website and follow the instructions.

To check installation open a Terminal and execute



Ubuntu: open the terminal and execute the following commands

sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Others: Go to Chrome Website and follow the instructions



open the terminal and execute the following commands

sudo apt-get install postgresql-12

On Linux systems, there is no default password set.

To set the default password:

Run the psql command from the postgres user account:

sudo -u postgres psql postgres

Set the password, try to use the same password you have in your computer, migracode

\password postgres

Enter the password.

And finally close psql with the command:


More info in:


Last updated