Grading System


At MigraCode, we believe in the power of learning by doing. Because of that, we don't give students tests - we rather let each student do small projects during the course and work on an extensive curriculum with many exercises to improve their knowledge and skills. And, most importantly: at the end of the course, students work together in groups on a larger final project.

Tracking student progress

Still, of course, we need to also keep track of student's progress and see if they are gaining all the knowledge required to become junior web developers. Therefore, we have developed a grading system that is based on three aspects:

  1. Class participation and being on time

  2. Homework progress for the front-end modules

  3. Homework progress for the back-end modules

  4. Final Project efforts and output

Each aspect is graded on a 1-10 scale based on what students upload on GitHub and how to progress during and in-between classes. Each student will receive a Google Sheet in which they can see their own progress, like the one below:

Minimum progress requirements

We constantly check your homework and give you feedback on it. However, during the 8-month course, there are 3 main checks where you MUST have finished all homework and required tasks. If you haven't it means you either need to quickly recover, or drop out and wait for the next course. Below the three main checks during the MigraCode course:

Check 1: Between the front-end and back-end modules

After you finish the HTML/CSS, JavaScript and React module, we will do the first full check on your progress. If you are not fully up-to-date, you get a chance to recover before the back-end modules starts. However, if you are not able to, you will not be able to continue the course and you will have the opportunity to join a next course.

Check 2: Between the back-end modules and the final projects

After finishing all modules, we will do the second check on your progress. If you are not fully up-to-date, you'll also get a chance to recover the missing parts. However, if you can't, you will not be able to enter the final projects. You will then be offered to join the final projects of a next course.

Check 3: At the end of the course, after the final projects

Before graduation, we will check how you have performed in the final projects and if you have done all the tasks assigned to you on Trello. If you have not completed them, you will get a chance to recover. However, if you haven't performed sufficiently, you will need to re-do the final projects with another group in another course.

Last updated