Planning and Calendar
In this page is detailed each week work and deliverables
The Final project is done in 7 weeks, including the Demo Day event and the Graduation in the last week, which means that finally the students will have only 6 weeks to work on the project.
Three weeks before the Final project kick-off, teams will be decided and will start "thinking" in their project.
All the classes will be in the assigned Weekday (normally Tuesday or Wednesday), and on Saturday we will not have class. Check the next calendar and see that also we don't have classes the 3rd and 5th week.
No general classes do not mean that the teams are not working, it means that all the teams do not have a common meeting, teams can use the same hours to have team meetings, check Team Weekly Plan for more details.
Class Content (Weekday)
Deliverables (students)
Ideas brainstorming
Fill the Role Questionnaire
Project Idea Form
Teams, mentors and project assignment
Kick-off (30' by Head of Education) Product & Team Mgt. Workshop (90' by a Product Manager)
Project Design Presentation
Trello Board
How to start coding Workshop (30' by Head of Education)
Project Design Presentation (20' by each Team)
<no class>
Teams development Tracking (15' by each Team)
<no class>
Teams development Tracking (15' by each Team)
Deployed Version
Testing Plan
Demo Day Event (by Teams)
Project Presentation Link
The Final Project starts on the 23rd of November 2021
[23/11/2021] Tuesday 18:00-22:00 - Week 1: Project Mgt. Workshop by Kamel
[27/11/2021] Saturday 10:30-14:30 - Week 1: Professional Skills: Working in projects
[30/11/2021] Tuesday 18:00-22:00 - Week 2: Project Design Presentation (20min by each Team)
[14/12/2021] Tuesday 18:00-22:00 - Week 4: Teams development Tracking
[28/12/2021] Tuesday 18:00-22:00 - Week 6: Teams development Tracking
[04/01/2022] Tuesday 18:00-22:00 - Week 7: Demo Day Event
[08/01/2022] Saturday 10:30-14:30 - Graduation. Location TBD
Week by Week
WEEK 1. Analysis and Design (Sprint-0)
Before starting coding, we should have a clear and common idea of what are we going to build.
This week we should NOT start coding, we will think, analyze and design the next weeks project
Class Content
Product & Team Mgt. Workshop by a Product Manager: Presentation to explain how to build a product from scratch, analysis and design techniques and the most used tools. The second part of the presentation will be to cover methodologies to succeed in the product development and how to do it with different resources working together as a team.
How to start coding Workshop by Head of Education: Steps and tips to start a project from scratch and with more than 1 developer, use of Git in a Team and how to structure the code.
Team Meetings (60'-90'): each team will have a meeting including next topics:
Introduction of each member of the team and the instructor
Product vision by the owner of the project idea
Talk about the project idea, main personas and main functionalities
Define a weekly meeting schedule to check everyone progress, for example
A 60' Team meeting after the class and another one on Thursday or Saturday
A 60' Team meeting one day every week and a 'Daily scrum' (short meeting) every 2 days
Create a Trello Board with the following columns: "Product Backlog", "Sprint-0", "Doing", "Done"
Add the tasks to do this week in the Sprint-0 column, for example:
Create a presentation using Google Slides, Canva or similar and add the description and benefits of your product
List and describe the Personas
List main functionalities
List user stories
Some Mockups (Tools: Balsamiq, Wireframes)
UI Basic Style Guide: primary and secondary colors, font, generic components
Deliverables (Homework)
For the next week your team should have completed the next deliverables:
Project Presentation: Create an online presentation using Google Slides, Canva or similar, to explain your product next week to the class, the presentation should include:
Title and product description
Benefits of the product
Tables of personas, functionalities and user stories (what you learned in this week Workshop)
UX: Some Mockups
UI Basic Style Guide
Examples (last time this delivery was a plain document, do it on a presentation so you will have some work done for the final presentation): 2020-Mar-Team6,
Link to Trello Board: including tasks for the Sprint-0
WEEK 2. Planning (Sprint-1)
Once we know what are we going to build and how, it's time to start coding!! It's very hard to be one week without coding right??
But, coding to build a product as a team, requires organization. This week we will learn how to organize a software project, starting with a structured code and a Git repository prepared to add new functionalities in parallel, and how to define a Sprint with the functionalities to develop.
Class Content
Projects Presentation (20' by each Team): each team has 20 minutes to show and explain the project presentation that have been working on from last week
Team Meetings (60'-90'): each team will have a meeting including next topics:
Define the product Backlog
Prioritize the tasks for the Sprint-1 (2 weeks), dividing them by Front-end and Back-end and assign them to team members
Define the structure of the code, what react modules you will use, you will use Bootstrap?, other questions that any team member could have...
Important tasks to be included in the Sprint-1 are:
Build the project skeleton: backend, frontend and instructions to start it
Design the database: tables, relations, attributes and types
Create the Database script with tables and some rows, to have all same database in local
Prepare the GitHub repository to work as a team with the skeleton on it
In the frontend, start with the generic components: landing, header, footer, common buttons, etc
All the features that will be included in Sprint-1
Deliverables (Homework)
For the next week your team should have completed the next deliverables:
GitHub link: Make the skeleton of the source code, upload it go Github and prepare it to work with your team
WEEK 3. Development (Sprint-1)
Develop the assigned tasks in Sprint 1
Class Content
There is no class this week. But the team should meet to check progress, blockers and clarify any doubt.
There are not deliverables for this week
WEEK 4. Development (Sprint-2)
Show the progress of a complete Sprint. Analyze the blockers that we had, and learn from other teams. Improve the planning for he second sprint.
Class Content
Check the progress of each team, discuss the priorities and blockers together. Each team will make a DEMO and show the Trello board following the next steps:
What we had planned for today
Are all tasks done? If not, what is blocking our progress?
What we will do for next week
WEEK 5. Development (Sprint-2)
Develop the assigned tasks in Sprint 2
Class Content
There is no class this week. But the team should meet to check progress, blockers and clarify any doubt.
There are not deliverables for this week
WEEK 6. Deploy and Testing (Sprint-3)
Show the progress of a complete Sprint. Analyze the blockers that we had, and learn from other teams.
Class Content
Check the progress of each team, discuss the priorities and blockers together.
Each team will make a DEMO and show the Trello board following the next steps:
What we had planned for today
Are all tasks done? If not, what is blocking our progress?
Identify the most important tasks to do before the final presentation.
For the next week your team should have completed the next deliverables:
Public URL: Publish the project in the cloud hosting Heroku to have a public URL to access to your project. Follow the steps of this guide to complete your deployment.
Final project presentation: based on the slides that you prepared in the first week delivery "project Design Presentation", but this time focus your presentation for a general public (not just developers)
WEEK 7. Final Presentation
Demo Day Event
It is an open event, where all MigraCode's community is invited (technical and non-technical volunteers, all courses students...) Also we will invite our list of companies and their recruiters and we will make noise in all social networks (Linked-In, Meetup, Instagram,...)
[up to 100 persons are expected to join]
Class Content
Event Introduction (15' by Vincent and Head of Education)
Projects Presentation (20' by each Team): each team has 15 minutes to show and explain the project, the idea is to explain the projects using the slides, and then have some time to show a DEMO of the project.
Graduation Event
This is the event that students are waiting from the first day!!! Is the "party" when the students receive their diplomas and volunteers and students make a short speech.
More details will be sent in each course.
Last updated
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